Monday, March 3, 2008

My Daily Green Smoothie and Water Consumption Formula

I never new how much my body would change for the better from drinking plenty of water.
I also never new that my entire life would change from drinking green Smoothies.

A few months before I came across the amazing green smoothie and was simply drinking fresh veggie juices every so often, I met a guy that taught me an awesome formula for drinking water.

This guy read my blood and showed me how my cells were dehydrated and that I needed more water.

This is his formula and it has helped me emensely.

He said that we can improve our health simply by drinking one half of our body weight in ounces of water during the first 4 hours afer getting out of bed.

I explain why in this video I put together for you today. You will find it up at the top of this blog.
And as always, if you have any questions just send me a note through my site at and I will do my best to help.

Have a great one!


Sunday, March 2, 2008

My First Green Smoothie Video and An Amazing Recipe Of The Day!

It's been a couple days since my last Green Smoothie Blog so I think I'll put up something new.
I'm learning as I go along here so not only is this a blog on my favorite drink, the amazing green smoothie but also a look at my computer and business skills learning curve first hand.

Just a few minutes ago I learned how to ad a You Tube video to my blog, very exciting. Take a look at it and you can see just how my morning green smoothie blend comes together and what my beautiful drinks come out like every morning.

The video is from a couple days ago and is a great recipe for you to try.

Today though, my smoothie was exceptional and I wrote down exactly what I put in it so you can have a go at it. You will love it. It is so packed with great nutrients and super foods that you won't know what to do with all of your energy. I got a ton of things done today and I know my energy, clarity and focus and ability to have fun throughout the day came from my delicious green smoothie for breakfast.

Here is a fabulous recipe (exactly as I made it this morning):

16 ounces of water to start
4 ounces of tangerine juice (I just cut 2 of them in half, squeezed them by hand and picked out the seeds)
2 Bananas
1 Juicy Pear
1 whole Avocado
1 whole bunch Green Chard
2 Tablespoon Goji Berries
1 Tablespoon Bee Pollen
2 Tablespoon whole Flax Seeds

This one makes a lot of smoothie and I share them with my wife each morning so you can cut down on the ingredients if it is just for you. You can cut everything in half and it would be a good amount for one person to drink in a day.

This is really an advanced smoothie with the few super foods added in at the end. I was looking for a smoothie with substance today as I knew I had some physical work to do.

You could leave out the Gojis, Bee Pollen and flax and still have a great smoothie.

Give this one a try and get over to, send me a note and let me know how you like it.

If you want to have the blending experience of a lifetime with the new wave of super power smoothie blending go to this page and click on the big blender picture at the bottom to find the worlds best blender for high power smoothie blending. You can't get any better. You can also find it all throughout my blog pages. I'm crazy about my Amazing Green Smoothie Blender!
You will be too when you try one.